The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter History Award was the idea of Compatriot Tom Mikell in 2012. He still cherishes the silver goblet he received from the Rebecca Motte DAR Chapter of Charleston for having the highest four year scholastic grade average in "History" when he graduated from The Citadel. This award is presented annually to the top graduating Senior History Major at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. The faculty of the University History Department determines who the recipient will be prior to graduation. During the annual USCB awards program held generally in May, a chapter representative makes the award presentation. The new recipient is then invited to attend the next chapter meeting in order to be honored by the Chapter's officers and members.

No School Nomination
No School Nomination

No School Nomination
No School Nomination
2019 Award Winner
Logan McFee

Photo: Logan McFee receives the 2019 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter History Award as USCB's Outstanding Student in History of the Year from Chapter President Frank Gibson.
Logan is a native of Beaufort, SC, and a 2019 graduate of USCB. He was very active throughout his academic career and has been inducted into several local, state, and national honor societies, including Phi Alpha Theta and National Society of Leadership and Success. He was awarded several times for his creative work during his time at USCB. Logan earned his Boy Scout Eagle Rank with a monument dedicated to honor Beaufort’s fallen law enforcement officers. He has been working on the Marine bases in the Beaufort community as a certified lifeguard for the past several years. Logan recently took the oath to serve in the United States Army and will be reporting for duty on February 3, 2020.

Photo: Past Chapter President and Eagle Scout Chairman Jody Henson congratulates Logan McFee on his revered History Award. They initially met when Logan was honored by Henson as the chapter's Eagle Scout of the Year in 2015.

No School Nomination

2017 Award Winner
Jeremy Breland

Photo: Chapter Vice President Frank Gibson makes the annual History Award Presentation to Jeremy Breland at the USCB 2017 Academic Awards Ceremony held in Beaufort on April 27th.

Photo: Dr. J. Brent Morris, Department Chair and Associate Professor of History at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, congratulates Jeremy on his selection as Senior Outstanding Student in History of the Year.

Jeremy grew up in Rembert, SC and attended school at Colleton Preparatory Academy, previously named John C. Calhoun Academy, located in Walterboro, SC. He grew up in an area rich in soil with his father's family farming between 5 to 6 thousand acres, tobacco being the primary cash crop but also raising cotton, tomatoes, peanuts and a variety of vegetables.
A dual History and English major of the University of South Carolina since 2009, Jeremy left academics in 2011 for service in the United States Army. Following a year of training, in 2012, he was deployed to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom. He is an Afghanistan Combat Veteran and has achieved the rank of Sergeant. He has served seven years and maintains his reserve status to this day. Upon Jeremy's return to USCB in 2013, he has remained very active in the school, serving on the editorial board of the university's interdisciplinary creative arts magazine, The Pen, and has been accepted to and partaking in the efforts of four honor societies (English, History, Foreign Language, and Interdisciplinary Studies). Jeremy has been both awarded and published throughout his time at USCB for both research and creative work. He is a 3rd generation firefighter and a 6th generation farmer. Following graduation, Jeremy plans to continue farming, firefighting, and furthering his education in some fashion of theological studies.

2016 Award Winner
Mark Loudenslagel

Photo: Program listing the Chapter's "Outstanding Student in History" award presented at USCB in Beaufort on April 28, 2016

Photo: Vice President Tom Mikell presents USCB Senior Mark Loudenslagel the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter History Award during the University's year end Awards Day presentation. With thanks this photo was provided as a courtesy by professional photographer Bob Sofaly.

Mark, originally from Chicago, wanted to be a Social Studies and History teacher after moving to Montana and working as a volunteer at the De La Salle Blackfeet School on the Blackfeet Reservation. While there he helped to educate the youth of a poverty stricken community as a teacher of Social Studies, Science and Physical Education which also included being a coach in many sports. His senior thesis, "Acquisition and Impact of the Horse to the Blackfeet Confederacy", is personally considered his crowning achievement using skills he acquired at USCB and influenced by his time on the reservation. His future plans include returning to the reservation and teaching high school Social Studies while earning a Masters degree from Montana State University in Secondary Education. The Chapter wishes him continued success.

2015 Award Winner
Keir O'Sullivan

Photo: Vice President Tom Mikell presents USCB Senior Keir O'Sullivan the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter History Award during the University's year end Awards Day presentation, May 12, 2015. Keir has ambitions of being a writer.

2014 Award Winner
Devin Mock

Photo: Vice President Tom Mikell presents Miss Devin Mock the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter History Award at the June 20th, 2014 meeting. In the background are her parents, Sam and Chyleen Mock.

2013 Award Winner
Nichlos Ward

Photo: Nichlos Ward of Beaufort receives the Gov. Paul Hamilton History Award from Chapter Secretary Tom Mikell.
Nichlos Ward served in the United States Marine Corps prior to returning to college and receiving his degree from University of South Carolina Beaufort. He was selected as the school's top History Graduate for 2013 by the History Faculty. He has now moved on to Tacoma, Washington and will be attendimg Gonzaga Law School.

2012 Award Winner
Mrs. Karyn Devore

Photo: Karyn Devore of Lady's Island receives the Gov. Paul Hamilton History Award from Chapter Secretary Tom Mikell.
Karyn is a Beaufort, SC native and a 1993 graduate of Beaufort High School. After High school she worked as a dental assistant in Columbia, SC and Kansas City, MO where she met her husband, Mike. They returned to Beaufort in 2005 and in time Mike encouraged her to return to school and earn a degree. Karyn received a Bachelor's of Arts in History, gradudating Magna Cum Laude from USCB on April 27, 2012 with a concentration in the progression of railroad transportation in Europe and the United States. Her senior thesis was on the Transcontinental Railroad and has plans to pursue a Masters degree. She eventually hopes to find work helping others learn the rich history of the Lowcounty while enjoying raising their 2 year old son, Peyton.