Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 2nd Quarterly Meeting
June 14th, 2024
 Chapter President Randy Atkins welcomes all attendees to the June luncheon meeting and introduces special guests.
 Chaplain and Historian Tom Burnett gave the Invocation, Moment in History and Benediction at times during the meeting.
 New Treasurer, Col. Miles Montgomery, gave the Chapters financial report.
 President Randy Atkins recites the SAR Membership Oath to Ken Brownfield, with primary sponsor Jody Henson at his side prior to placing the SAR Rosette on Ken's lapel.
 Vice President Tom Mikell spoke to the fifty plus attendee about the true founding of America in Beaufort County.
 Tony Brice discussed pending applications and the groundbreaking attempt to bring in a new member using DNA analysis. Stay tuned!
 Left, Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills presents the SAR Military Service Medal to Clif Thomas for his US Army Service
Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills, presents the SAR War Service Medal to Ken Brownfield for his US Army service in Vietnam. This is the SAR's 4th highest individual award.
 SC Society Senior Vice President Mike Monahan with Beaufort's Thomas Heyward, Jr. DAR Regent Dian Brownfield, discussing the two matching 250th Anniversary benches donated from each society to be placed in the Beaufort Henry Chamber's Park.
Fifty two assembled members and guests at the O'Club at MCAS Beaufort
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 06:29:48 PM EDT.
Photos by Joann Montgomery |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 1st Quarterly Meeting
March 22nd, 2024
 Then Vice President Lowcountry Mike Monahan discusses Chapter 250th Anniversary Bench, Pres. Randy Atkins in background.
 . Secretary Wilson McElveen reads minutes from December formal meeting for approval.
 New Treasurer, Col. Miles Montgomery, gave the Chapters financial report.
 Mike Monahan swears in new members, grandson Ryan Henrickson, and Clif Thomas.
 State Registrar Jim Closson is also the President of the newly formed Thomas Heyward, Jr. SAR Chapter of Bluffton. Beaufort County's 3rd Chapter.
 Connie Atkins, wife of Chapter President Randy Atkins, is the President of the Heritage Society of Beaufort and DAR member.
 Prospective member Shelby Robert, left, with Compatriot John Washington.
L-R, Kathey and Dr. Bill Sammons with Col. Harold Mills, Military Awards Chair.
 L-R, Compatriots Tom Wilson and Jim Atkins with DAR member Kay Wilson.
Past President Claude Dinkins gives the 250th Anniversary Committee's recent activities update.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 4th Quarterly Meeting
December 6th, 2023
 Col. Harold Mills, Military Awards Chairman, announces awards to be presented at the December Formal meeting at the MCAS Beaufort O'Club.
 SC Society President Ted Walker brings greetings for the State Offices and other Chapters, news of two new chapters being formed statewide including Bluffton, SC.
 Chaplain and Historian Tom Burnett gives a moment in history.
 President Mike Monahan presents Compatriot Hastings Greene with the SAR Military Service Medal.
 State President Ted Walker in Period Uniform after installing the Chapter's New Officers: L-R President Randy Atkins; Past President Mike Monahan; Ted Walker; Vice President Tom Mikel; Chaplain/Historian Tom Burnett; Treasurer Miles Montgomery; Secretary Wilson McElveen; and Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling.
 President Mike Monahan presents Compatriot Col. Miles Montgomery with the SAR's 4th highest Individual Award, the SAR War Service Medal.
Chapter Nov 11, 2023 Veterans Day Salute to Gov. Paul Hamilton Nov 11, 2023 Clarendon Plantation, Beaufort, SC
 RegionalPatriot Marked Grave of Paul Hamilton.
 Chapter Military Awards Chairman Harold Mills with Anita Henson of the Thomas Heyward, Jr. DAR Chapter following their wreath laying.
 Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter DAR members L-R Kay Wilson, Nancy Crowther, Nancy Greene, Dian Brownfield and Anita Henson.
 4 L-R: Hamilton Chapter Members Harold Mills, Carl Howk, Chaplain Tom Burnett, Ken Brownfield, Hastings Greene, Claude Dinkins, Paul Griffin, Bill Ten Eyck, Tom Wilson, Jody Henson and Past SC Society President Carroll Crowther.
SC Society SAR 242nd Battle of Eutaw Springs Memorial September 9th, 2023 Eutawville, SC
SAR Awards Banquet
Greenville, SC

Regional VP for the Lowcountry Mike Monahan and his wife Ann.

State President Ted Walker and Doug Doster with Regional VP for the Lowcountry Mike Monahan and his wife Ann.
New State Society Officers @ Greenville meeting.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 1st Quarterly Meeting
Friday, March 10, 2023
Officiers Club
Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, SC

Chapter President Mike Monahan welcomes members and guests.

Guest Speaker: Theodore Walker, Senior Vice President, SC State Society, SAR welcomes all and gives summary of upcoming SAR events.













Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 3rd Quarterly Meeting
Friday, September 9, 2022
Callawassie Island Club Okatie, SC
Chapter President Mike Monahan welcomes sixty members and guests for the first time to the Callawassie Island Club.
Past President Jody Henson follows up the Pledge of Allegiance with the Pledge to the SAR
A first time visit by the Chapter to this beautiful club and location for our September Quarterly meeting.
The first of seven very full and well decorated tables with Kay Holton and new member Shane Broome at left followed by Anita and Jody Henson, John and father Ted Carothers and our new Registrar Wilson McElveen and wife Sharon with backs to us.
A large table of 10 including Past President Joe Riddle and Past Sec & Registrar Tom Wilson with wives Jeannie and Kay. Compatriots Hazen Culley, Dean Hewitt and Charlie Bormann with wife Maryanne. Dr. Alton Fanning, left, and father Donald joined them.
A perfect view for Brian and Marilyn McKay (backs to us) with Karen DeTreville (left), Past President Frank Gibson, Rob and Kellen Pollard, John Kenney and Tony Brice.
The table of knowledge with our guest speaker Bill Schultz (back to us) and his wife Jill in pink along with Dr. Larry Rowland and Margot, Claude Dinkins and Jan Gentry with Randy and Connie Atkins.
Compatriot Photographer and Webmaster Don Starkey's wife Donna at right with Don's empty chair. Compatriot John Washington and wife Wendy with guests Sue and John Neely with guest Gordon Sproul (L) and Compatriot Tom Case with their backs to us.
Compatriot Veterans share a table, bottom left Nancy and Past State President Carroll Crowther, Vice President Peter Somerville, CAPT Tom Sharkey, Past State President Wayne Cousar and Gladys with Joe Harden, wife Allyson's empty chair.
Chapter prospect and former County Councilman Paul Sommerville, bottom left, with L-R President Mike Monahan and wife Ann, SC Society Sr. VP. Ted Walker, Chaplain Tom and Ginny Burnett, Secretary Harold Mills and John and Lois Simpson.
Chapter President Mike Monahan introduces our speaker Bill Schultz to kick off the activities after a delicious lunch.
Bill Schultz, a Callawassie resident and model builder extraordinaire, discusses the history of the first USS South Carolina during the Revolutionary War.
Depiction the South Carolina under attack by British vessels during the American Revolution.
Beautifully built museum quality model of the USS South Carolina hand crafted by Bill Schultz.
President Mike Monahan presents Bill Schultz with an SAR Certificate of Appreciation and encourages him to consider SAR Chapter membership.
South Carolina Society Senior Vice President Ted Walker, at left, swears in new Chapter Registrar Wilson McElveen who in turn reported on current Chapter applications pending and under review.
For the third consecutive meeting this year a new member was installed. Compatriot Shane Broome, a Veteran and 8th grade history teacher in Hampton County, is sworn in by Society SR VP Ted Walker with President Mike Monahan.
Compatriot Hazen Cully is congratulated by President Mike Monahan for his 15 years of SAR service to the chapter.
President Mike Monahan honors Compatriot Dr. Larry Rowland with the SAR Military Service Medal for his Naval service.
President Mike Monahan presents recognition pin and certificate to Compatriot Dr. John Kenney for his 10 years of service to the SAR.
Chapter President Mike Monahan gives a handshake and acknowledgement to Compatriot Wayne Cousar for his 15 years of service to the SAR as Chapter President and as a South Carolina Society President.
Past Chapter President Jody Henson presents the Chapter with a new SAR Flag Streamer for his participation in the New Bern, North Carolina Chapter's 248th Anniversary of the New Bern Resolves and First NC Provincial Congress in 1774.
Thomas Heyward, Jr. DAR Chapter member Anita Henson seeks SAR members to participate in a local DAR initiative to work with the chapter in assisting temporarily disabled Marine Recruits.

Chapter Chaplain Tom Burnett prepares to give a very appropriate Benediction Prayer.
Chapter Vice President Peter Somerville leads in the SAR Recessional ending the meeting until the Chapter's next gathering on Dec, 2nd.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 2nd Quarterly Meeting
Friday, June 6, 2022
Harmony Lodge #22, Beaufort, SC

Chaplain Tom Burnett starts of our June 2022 meeting of nearly 50 members and guests with an invocation and blessing of our meal.
The Pledge of Allegiance, led by Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling (center foreground) prior to his requesting Members to recite the Pledge to the SAR.

President Mike Monahan presented the Eagle Scout of the Year Medal and Certificate to recent Beaufort Academy graduate Robert "Beau" Cooper of Troop 200. Here he discusses his Eagle Scout Project with the meeting's attendees.
New Compatriot William "Bill" Keane was provided his SAR Membership Certificate and SAR Roseate by President Mike Monahan.

Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling was the first of a number of Chapter Veterans honored at our June 2022 meeting. Here is he presented the SAR War Service Medal and Certificate with Vietnam Clasp by President Mike Monahan.
Mike Monahan presents Brian McKay, center, with the SAR War Service Medal and Certificate for his Army service in Vietnam. Secretary and Military Awards Chairman Harold Mills at right.

Maj. Robert de Treville, USA Ret, receives the SAR War Service Medal and Certificate for Desert Storm/Desert Shield.
Compatriot Carl Howk, a US Navy Vietnam Veteran, receives his SAR War Service Medal and Certificate from President Mike Monahan and Military Awards Chair Harold Mills.

The first of our SAR Military Service Medal recipients at the June 2022 meeting was Stewart DeWitt for his US Coast Guard service presented by Pres. Mike Monahan.
Mike Monahan honors former Chapter and State SAR Society President Carroll Crowther for his US Army service during the Vietnam period with the SAR Military Service Medal and Certificate.

Compatriot Ted Carothers receives the SAR Military Service Medal and Certificate from President Mike Monahan for his US Army service during the Cold War period.
Lt. Col. James Atkins, USMCR Ret., was honored by Pres. Mike Monahan with the SAR Military Service Medal and Certificate for his many years as a pilot.

Chapter Treasurer Randy Atkins gives a report on the excellent financial condition of the Chapter.
Compatriot Troy Krapf reports to the Chapter on the SAR Americanism Elementary Grade School Poster contest in which he contacted six local schools to participate. Pease see our website section "Americanism Poster Contest" section for details on the 2022 winner.

Compatriot Tom Wilson has stepped down after many years in his position doing an excellent job as Registrar as well as recruiter of new members. He was presented the coveted SAR
Gold Roger Sherman Medal in appreciation of his outstanding service to the Chapter.
Prior to our guest speakers, the near fifty members and guests enjoyed a BBQ and Fried Chicken dinner with several delicious sides and sweet tea catered by Olde House Dukes BBQ.

Guest speaker Archaeologist Rita Elliott and Archaeologist husband Daniel Elliott, seated, of the LAMAR Institute of Savannah, GA presented a power point presentation on their three weeks of digging in a nearby South Carolina Revolutionary War battle site.
The presentation was entitled "Emerging from Swamps Deemed Impassable: Archaeological Discovery of the Revolutionary War Battle of Purrysburg, SC"

Daniel Elliott discussed the finds of the project and tough conditions to overcome with standing water and litter from current inhabitants of the area. A good bit of pre-Revolutionary War pottery was found dating to the original settlement and battle site findings included dropped and fired ammunition with the exception of artillery examples.
In recent Chapter tradition form, new member Bill Keane was asked to read the SAR Recessional as we ended the Second Quarterly meeting of 2022.
HSOB OFFICERS 2022 - 2023
The 2022 - 2023 Heritage Society of Beaufort Officers were recently approved by the Society at the Annual Spring Luncheon held on April 29, 2022. L-R Secretary Connie Kearns Tootle, currently President of the Colonial Dames 17th Century Dr. Henry Woodward Chapter. Treasurer Paul Griffin, Adjutant of the Gen. Richardson H. Anderson SCV Camp #47 and Compatriot of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter SCSSAR. Vice President Amelie Aimar Cromer, Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter #1349. President John Simpson, Genealogist of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter SCSSAR and Compatriot of the Gen. Richardson H. Anderson SCV Camp #47. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 1st Quarterly Meeting Friday, March 11, 2022
Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Traditions Restaurant

Our March Meeting was in essence a salute to our Veteran Members. Lt. Col. Perry Gesell, USMC Ret, gives the Invocation to kick off our first quarterly meeting of 2022. Chapter Secretary, Col. Harold Mills, USAF Ret., in the background with wife Julia in foreground.
Chapter Vice President Peter Somerville, CDR US Navy Reserves Ret., welcomes our fifty nine guests, including thirty three SAR members, to Traditions on Parris Island Marine Recruit Depot.

Compatriot Bill Davies of Columbia, SC, our guest speaker, spoke on the upcoming State and SAR efforts to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution in South Carolina. After his respective Citadel and Law School graduations, Bill served as an officer in the US Army JAG Corps for a number of years.
An impassioned David Reuwer of The South Carolina Battle Ground Preservation Trust (SCBPT) gives us a pep talk about the 250th Anniversary. HUZZAH!

Veteran US Army Infantry Officer Tom Oblak, was in Beraufort as a living historian with the SCBPT's 5th Co., 4th SC Regt. of Artillery. He appeared in Continental Marine uniform looking for new Recruits.
President Mike Monahan congratulates new member John Thomas O'Quinn, Sr. after installation and receiving his SAR Rosette. John's Patriot Ancestor is South Carolina Declaration Signer Thomas Heyward, Jr.

On this day, President Mike Monahan worked with Secretary Col. Harold Mills to recognize a number of our Chapter Veterans. First up was Compatriot Robert DeLoach, our oldest active member, here having been presented the SAR War Service Medal for his WWII service.
Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Deputy and Compatriot Troy Krapf was recognized for his Marine Corps service in SW Asia with the SAR War Service Medal by President Mike Monahan.

Lt. Col. Perry Gesell, USMC Ret., receives his War Service Medal with Vietnam Clasp from President Mike Monahan.
Sergeant Hazen Culley served in the US Navy, US Marine Corps and US Army as well as the US Air Force National Guard over a twenty plus year Reserve career. Here he receives his War Serice Medal with SW Asia Clasp from President Mike Monahan.

Recently transferred in Compatriot CAPT Tom Sharkey USNR Ret. was awarded the SAR War Serive Medal for Special Operations by President Mike Monahan.
Compatriot Craig Bowman was awarded the SAR Military Serive Medal for his US Army service by President Mike Monahan.

Compatriot Rob Pollard was awarded the SAR Military Serive Medal for his Pennsylvania National Guard Service by President Mike Monahan.
Compatriot Claude Dinkins was awarded the SAR Military Serive Medal for his South Carolina National Guard service by President Mike Monahan.

Compatriot Tom Wilson was awarded the SAR Military Serive Medal for his US Air Force service by President Mike Monahan.
Compatriot and Past Chapter President Frank Gibson was awarded the SAR Military Serive Medal for his South Carolina National Guard service by President Mike Monahan.

Treasurer Randy Atkins was happy to report that the Holliday Inn Express had refunded the Chapter some money from the near catastrophic Christmas Dinner meeting of 2021. Those proceeds will reduce member's costs for the 2022 formal dinner meeting.
Compatriot and submariner CAPT Tom Sharkey, USNR Ret, gave the Benediction to close out his first meeting with the Chapter after transfering here in late 2021.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Memorial to Battle of Port Royal Island Thursday, February 3, 2022 Battle Site Historical Marker on HWY 21, Beaufort, SC

Past Chapter President Frank Gibson (left) with Stephanie Nagid, Beaufort County Passive Parks Manager, Mike Yianopoulos of the SC Battle Ground Trust and Compatriot Dr. Larry Rowland marking the new location for the SC Historical Marker Battle of Port Royal Island, Jan 11, 2022.
Past Chapter President Frank Gibson reads the history of the battle to members of the chapter on the 243 rd anniversary of the Battle of Port Royal Island here in Beaufort on Feb 3, 2022.

Chapter Historian Tom Burnett finishes the Battle's history for members prior to wreath dedication.
Those attending the 243rd Anniversary Memorial and placing the Gov. Paul Hamilton Wreath at the foot of the recently relocated marker are L-R Ivan Bennett, General Vice President, Sons of the Revolution, Chapter Compatriots Tom Burnett, Jody Henson, Harold Mills, Frank Gibson, Peter Somerville, President Mike Monahan, Tom Wilson, Michael Keyserling and with Don Starkey taking photo.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter 3rd Quarterly Meeting
Friday, September 17, 2021
Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Officers Club

Chaplain Bill Sammons gives the invocation prior to lunch being served at the Chapter's September meeting. President Joe Riddle at left with guest speaker Harold Mills bottom left .
Chapter Vice President Mike Monahan introduces guest speaker, Compatriot Harold Mills.

Compatriot Harold Mills presents a power point program to our 56 members and guests on Cemeteries, Markers and the Major Players of the American Revolution including the Women behind some of those men.
 Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling holds the Chapter's Colors as President Joe Riddle, right, and Historian Tom Burnett, left, attach South Carolina SAR Society Event Streamers in which they participated. Joe, Col. Isaac Hayne Memorial Service, Jacksonboro, SC in August and Tom the September 240th Anniversary of the Battle of Eutaw Springs. Eutawville, SC. |

New Compatriot Robert Anthony Brice, "Tony", was introduced to the Chapter and guests as President Joe Riddle places his SAR Roseate on his lapel. (SEE NEW MEMBERS SECTION and OUR ANCESTORS SECTION of WEBSITE) |
New Compatriot Robert Louis DeLoach was additionally introduced to our Chapter and guests, President Joe Riddle places the Roseate on his lapel. (SEE NEW MEMBERS SECTION and OUR ANCESTORS SECTION of WEBSITE) |

Our dedicated Registrar Tom Wilson lets the Chapter know of three additional new member applications in the pipeline after the recent approval of three new members, Tony Brice and his son Jack (unable to make this meeting) and Robert DeLoach installed today. |
 It was great to see Compatriot Dana Cheney and wife Bonita of Walterboro. Dana is recovering from a lengthy hospitalization following a complicated back surgery. Dedication personified, welcome back! |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Quarterly Meeting 2021
Friday, June 18, 2021
Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Officers Club

New Chapter member Mark Henderson discusses his Patriot Ancestor, Pvt. John Kittle, 7th Albany County, NY Militia. Read more of him and see his marker on page 1 of the "Our Ancestors Section"
Compatriot Ed Reardon is very proud of his Patriot Ancestor, Attorney Jarod Ingersoll, letting our meeting attendees know he was a good friend of Ben Franklin's, Delegate from Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress and a signer of the US Constitution.

Col. Harold Mills, USAF Ret, loves to give a good power point presentation, just as he did during this quarterly meeting on his Patriot Ancestor James Mills of South Carolina.
 Past President Frank Gibson is honored by President Joe Riddle for his 10 years of service in many rolls to the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter. Not present were Bill Anderson, Walter Lubkin and Jeff Hewett, each recognized by President Riddle for 10, 10 and 5 years of service, respectfully |

Chapter Historian Tom Burnett gave us our moment his history on this date following up on his last meeting presentation. |
 Chapter President Joe Riddle awards an SAR certificate to Marine Sgt Diego Marmolejo (L) and Sgt David Carrillo, President and Vice President, respectfully, of the local SINGLE MARINE PROGRAM (SMP) for their involvement in cleaning up the cemetery where chapter Compatriot Robert de Treville's patriot ancestor, John LaBoularderie de Treville, is buried on Air Station property. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Fourth Quarterly Meeting 2019
Friday, December 6, 2019
Dataw Island Club

South Carolina Society Senior Vice President Jim Wyrosdick was a special visitor of the Chapter's .
Our Guest Speaker for the evening was David Preston speaking on "Theaters of the American Revolution".

President Frank Gibson honors Secretary Peter Somerville with the SAR Military Certificate.
 Society Senior VP Jim Wyrosdick swears in the Chapter's 2020 Officers. |

Past President Frank Gibson is presented is Past President Pin and certificate by new Chapter President Joe Riddle. |
 President Joe Riddle received the chapter's gavel from Past President Frank Gibson. |

New Chapter President, Frederick Joseph Riddle "Joe", addresses the fifty plus meeting attendees prior to closing with the SAR Recessional. |
 Our Chapter Officers and Staff for 2020 L-R: Michael Keyseling, Color Sgt.; Tom Wilson, Registrar; Randy Atkins, Treasurer; Frank Gibson, Immediate Past President; Peter Somerville, Secretary; Joe Riddle, President; Mike Monahan, Vice President; Jim Wyrosdick, SC Society Sr. Vice President. |

Ginny and Chapter Historian Tom Burnett. |
 . Past Chapter and State Society President Wayne Cousar and wife Gladys. |

Anita and Past Chapter President Jody Henson |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2019
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Tavern in Royal Pines

Our guest speaker, Robert C. Jones of Kennesaw, GA, made a fine presentation on our “South Carolina Heroes - Daniel Morgan and Francis Marion”.

President Frank Gibson presented a 5-Year SAR Service Award to Chapter Vice-President: Frederick Joseph Riddle, Jr.

Our 2019 USC Beaufort History Award winner was Logan McFee. Four years ago, Logan was honored as our 2015 Eagle Scout of the Year.
 The meeting included the installation of New Compatriot, Carleton Reynolds Howk. Carl's son Kevin and brother Larry were also accepted into the SAR at the same time but were unable to make the installation. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
The Tavern in Royal Pines

Nearly forty chapter members and guests attended the quarterly meeting including a number of DAR members. Food and service at The Tavern was excellent.

Guest speaker Compatriot Bill Davies of Edisto Island giving an excellent presentation on Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marguis de Lafayette....also known as "Lafayette" to the Colonists, one of our great supporters.

Chapter Vice President Joe Riddle greets the attendees with Past President Wayne Cousar up front and Secretary Peter Somerville in the background.

President Frank Gibson announces the Chapter's awards presented at the annual State Society meeting held in Georgetown. "We took it All" Secretary Peter Somerville passes on the Award Ribbons to Colour Sergeant Michael Keyserling to place on the Chapter's SAR Flag. A multicolored streamer of Red White & Blue was representative of the President General's Cup Award as top chapter in the state,the Blue Liberty Bell streamer and Red President General Award streamers were also presented.

President Frank Gibson with Compatriot Bill Nettles, whose DAR wife Carolyn was present, accepts the recognition of a Ten Year Service Pin.

Chaplain Bill Sammons, left, and Historian Tom Burnette honored those Compatriots the Chapter lost over the previous year, five of the candles were part of the Memorial Service for them and other state members held at the March State Society annual meeting.
2019 SAR Flag Certificate Presentation
May 13th, 2019
In May, the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter recognized Mr. Richard D. Clark with the SAR Flag certificate. Mr Clark, of the New Point Community on Lady's Island, was custodian of the neighborhood American Flag flown daily at the entrance. From 2004 until 2019 he was responsible for all seeing the flag flew and maintained according to flag protocol during all periods. Chapter Secretary Peter Somerville made the presentation prior to Mr Clark moving from the area.
2019 Americanism School Poster Contest Judging
March 25, 2019

At the home of Past President MIchale Keyserling, seen at left, is Past President Wayne Cousar, Registrar Tom Wilson, Past President Claude Dinkins with current Chapter President Frank Gibson at right.

L-R: Registrar Tom Wilson with past Presidents Claude Dinkins and Wayne Cousar get their first looks.

Wayne Cousar, Tom Wilson, Claude Dinkins and Frank Gibson give serious review of SAR guidelines to the creative work of our local students. |

A total of 16 posters were submitted by three schools for this years judging team of Michael Keyserling, Historian Tom Burnett, Tom Wilson, Frank Gibson, Wayne Cousar and Claude Dinkins. |


Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2019
Friday, March 22, 2019
The Tavern in Royal Pines
Photo L to R: President: Frank E. Gibson, Secretary: Peter Somerville, Darrell Schuman, Wilson McIntosh, Brian McKay, Troy Krapf, Vice-President: Joe Riddle, and Treasurer: Randy Atkins.
The Guest Speaker: John Laurence Busch addressed the “Dual Empires of Liberty - The American Revolution’s Critical Role in Fostering the High Technology Revolution”. President Frank Gibson presided over the installation of new members for Compatriots: Darrell Lee Schuman, Brian Glenn McKay, Troy Andrew Krapf and George Wilson McIntosh.
240th Anniversary The Battle of Part Royal Island, SC
February 3, 1779
South Carolina Historical Marker on HWY 21, Beaufort, SC
Anita Henson, Beaufort Thomas Heyward, Jr. DAR Chapter and Robert de Treville of the Gov. Paul Hamilton SAR Chapter
are respectfully descendants of Lt. Benjamin Wilkins and Capt. John de Trveille, who both fought courageously at the battle. |
Chapter members gather at the SC Battle Historical Marker just outside of Beaufort;
Jody Henson, Peter Somerville, Anita Henson, Steven Guy, Tom Burnett, Robert de Treville, Claude Dinkins, Michael Keyserling, Barbara Richardson, Mike and Ann Monahan.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Fourth Quarterly Meeting 2018
Friday , December, 7 2018
Annual Christmas Formal Dinner and Meeting
Dataw Island Club Carolina Room

Guest speaker Alan Stello, left, with good friends Bonita and husband Compatriot Dana Cheney in period wear.

Alan Stello discussing the history of the Charles Town Light Artillery and their crucial involvement in the Patriot victory at the Battle of Port Royal Island fought near Beaufort on Feb 3, 1779.

Chapter President Frank Gibson at left, presents an SAR Certificate of Appreciation to Alan Stello, Program Director for National Society Colonial Dames of America, SC, following his presentation to sixty plus Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter members and guests. Vice President Ivan Bennett, at right, was instrumental in arranging all of this years terrific programs. |

Low Country Regional Vice President Wayne Cousar, at left, after swearing in our new 2019 Chapter Secretary Peter Somerville and Vice President Joe Riddle, at right. |

Vice President Ivan Bennett discusses the National Brochure contest with the meetings attendees. This was the first year the Chapter had a school participating.

Robert Smalls International Academy student winners of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter SAR Brochure Contest were announced by Vice Pres. Ivan Burnett and winning brochures were displayed at the meeting on each table. Photo Left to Right: Ms. Emily Lyons, 8th Grade Social Studies, 3rd Place - Hunter Hollingsworth; 2nd Place - Logan Morgan; 1st Place - Madison Morris; Mr. Edwin Tucker, 6th Grade Social Studies; Chapter Vice President Ivan Bennett. |

Ginny and and Chapter Historian Tom Burnett.

Anita and Past Chapter President Jody Henson.
Chapter's Members attend the
47th Charleston Scottish Games and Highland Gathering November 3, 2018

Let the games begin!

L-R Tom and Sara Moody, Pam Baily and President Frank Gibson, Kay and Registrar Tom Wilson, Jeannie and Secretary Joe Riddle.

Gladys and Past State SAR Society and Chapter President Wayne Cousar |



Recent Fall 2018 Activiteis of the Chapter's Officers and Members

In October, Chapter President Frank Gibson holds SAR Flag Certificate being presented to Beaufort Academy along with a new American Flag for their athletic field. Color Sargent Michael Keyserling and immediate Past President Claude Dinkins at right were also present.
Our Chapter Officers with Beaufort Academy Athletic Director and Head of Facilities Maintenance, Nick Field after presentation of certificate and new flag.

The raising of the new American Flag at Beaufort Academy prior to a football game. |

On October 25th, the Spanish Moss Trail unveiled seven new markers of Beaufort historical significance to be placed along the trail. One recognized the importance of the The Battle of Port Royal Island, Feb 3, 1779. Members shown holding the marker (L-R) are Claude Dinkins, Dr. Larry Rowland, Jody Henson, Frank Gibson and Thomas Logan. Not shown, but present that evening, was Compatriot Tom Mikell.

A closeup of the marker at the unveiling and explanation table. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2018
Friday , September 21, 2018
Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort SC

Vice President Ivan Bennett presents President Frank Gibson and the Chapter a Battle of Eutaw Springs Streamer given by the namesake SAR chapter in appreciation of Bennet's laying of our chapter's wreath at the battle site on the 237th anniversary ceremony held September 8th, 2018. |

Secretary Joe Riddle looks on as Vice President Ivan Bennett presents Past President Claude Dinkins with the "2017 President General's Cup Award" certificate. As the State Society's Top Chapter Americanism Points winner, the certificate was presented to the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter at this years Annual Meeting. A red, white and blue streamer was included signifying the Chapter's excellence in delivery of programs that foster a better understanding of our American heritage. VP Bennett was most instrumental in the receipt of this prestigious state award earned by the chapter for the first time.

Guest speaker Lou Benfante of Hilton Head Island made a very informative slide show presentation on historical locations and events on Hilton Head Island during the Revolutionary War including the story the Revolutionary War ambush and killing of Patriot Charles Davant on Hilton Head Island, Oct 22, 1781, three days after the surrender of Lord Gen. Lord Cornwallis to Gen. George Washington at Lexington, Va. |

President Gibson presents Historian Lou Benfante with an SAR Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation to the thirty five plus attendees at the quarterly Chapter meeting.

Six new members were installed during the meeting and here they appear with their respective sponsors.
L-R: Hazen Culley sponsoring Charlie Borrman; Claude Dinkins sponsoring Dr. Larry Rowland; Warren Parker and Ed Reardon with sponsor Carroll Crowther; Chapter President Frank Gibson; Rion Salley with sponsor Tom Wilson and Scott Lopatka with sponsor Jody Henson. This was the largest single installation by the chapter following its inception
Gov. The Annual Eutaw Springs 237th Celebration and Wreath Laying
Saturday September 8, 2018
Epiphany Church in Eutawville SC

The site of theThe Annual Eutaw Springs 237th Celebration |

Chapter Vice President Ivan Bennett presents the wreath at the Annual Eutaw Springs 237th Celebration and Wreath Laying .
photo by Tom Hanson |

In attendance was SCSSAR Lowcountry VP Wayne Cousar and GPH VP Ivan Bennett. |

Four of the 25 wreaths laid by Society members from SC, TN and CA. |
The Annual Eutaw Springs 237th Celebration and Wreath Laying was Saturday September 8.
On this day in 1781 the four hour battle began Patriot General Nathanael Greene vs British General Stewart.
25 wreaths were laid by Society members from SC, TN and CA. Past President SCSSAR Doug Doster was the MC of the event.
Presentations were held Friday night at Clark Inn in Santee and Saturday morning at the Epiphany Church in Eutawville.
photos by Susan Bennett .
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2018
Friday , June 22, 2018
Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort SC

President Frank Gibson and Secretary Joe Riddle presents 10 Year Service Award to Michael Keyserling. |

President Frank Gibson and Secretary Joe Riddle presents 15 Year Service Award to Captain Dean Hewitt. |

Vice-President Ivan Bennett and Secretary Joe Riddle present Lifsaving Awards to Cadet Will Beere and David Garett. |

Guest Speaker Arron Bradford presents a fascinating presentation titled “Governor James Jackson Georgia Patriot and Legislator".

Members and Guests listen to the presentation by Arron Bradford. |

Presentor Arron Bradford came dressed and equipped for the part. |

Vice-President Ivan Bennett makes the presentaton to the Knight Essay Runner up Aaron Peterson of Beaufort High School. |

President Frank Gibson and Secretary Joe Riddle swear in new chapter memberEd Reardon. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter wins all three catagories and overall in the Americanism Awards at the SCSAR State Meeting
April 20th, 2018 Greenville SC.

Chapter President Frank Gibson accepts the Overall Award from SAR President Edd Richburg. |

Chapter President Frank Gibson accepts President General Stream 1st Place from SAR President Edd Richburg. |

Chapter Vice President Ivan Bennett accepts the State SAR Award for his role in Children of American Revolution Society from SAR President Edd Richburg. |

Chapter Vice President Ivan Bennett, Chair of the GPH Americanism Committee, accepts the Liberty Bell Americanism Award 1st Place (sweep of First Places in all three categories) SAR President Edd Richburg doing the presentations..

Four GPH Compatriots relaxing during the SCSSAR Annual Conference in Greenville SC (From left to right: Ivan Bennett, Wayne Cousar, Frank Brown, and Frank Gibson ). |

Chapter Compatriot Carroll Crowther and Past SC Society President Ted Morten Relax at the SCSSAR Annual Conference. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2018

Welcoming to the Spring Quarterly Meeting by President Frank Gibson |

President Frank Gibson and Jody Henson present the 2016 Eagle Scout Award to Thomas Clark Henderson (Citadel Cadet) and the 2017 Eagle Scout Award to Jacob Denton. |

Introduction of guests and speaker by Vice-President Ivan Bennett. |

Guest Speaker Randell Jones presents a fascinating presentation titled “Saving Col. Williams” Battle of Kings Mountain.

Members and Guests listen to the presentation by Randell Jones. |

Chapter President Frank Gibson with new compatriot Randy Atkins during installation with Vice President Ivan Bennett. |
See Members Photo Shows Gallery For
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Fourth Quarterly Formal Meeting 2017
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2017

Guest speaker University of South Carolina Beaufort Prof Brent Morris with 2017 History Award Winner Jeremy Breland and Chapter President Claude Dinkins, |

Presentation by Guest speaker Prof Brent Morris from the University of South Carolina Beaufort |

Secretary Ivan Bennett, left, with President Claude Dinkins present Compatriot Maj. John Simpson with his 25 Year SAR Service Pin and the Military Service Medal for his aviator service in the US Marine Corps.

President Claude Dinkins and Secreatry Ivan Bennett swear in new chapter members, left to right, Jim Atkins, Pete Peck and Peter Somerville. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2017

Chapter Vice President calls to order the June 23rd meeting with Chaplain Bill Sammons
(center) and Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling at his side prior to invocation and pledges. |

Secretary Ivan Bennett introduces guest speaker Compatriot Ted Carothers about to make a
terrific presentation on the exploits and accomplishments of South Carolina Patriots during
the war years. |

Chapter members and guests at the Dataw Island Club listen to our guest speaker.

Past SC Society President and Chapter Compatriot Wayne Cousar addresses the 43
attendees of the June 2017 meeting on the great success of the recent SC Society's Annual
Meeting held in Beaufort in April. |

Secretary Ivan Bennett presents Tom Burnett with the SAR Gold lapel pin for his contributions to
the success of the SC Society annual meeting. He was one of sixteen chapter members to be
so honored. |

Vice President Frank Gibson swears in newly approved SAR member Daryll Samples. |

Vice President Gibson applauds Lt Col John Carothers, USA Ret., after receiving the SAR
War Service Medal. |

Ted Carothers, father of Lt Col John Carothers, was also honored with the SAR Military
Service Medal for his US Army service. |

Chapter Historian Tom Burnett with a moment in history on the
Battle of Sullivan's Island fought 242 years ago this week. |

Compatriot Joel Holden (left) received a Certificate of Appreciation for his March 2017
meeting presentation on the history of Dataw Island and Dana Cheney was presented the
SAR Military Service Medal for his US Navy service as a Lithographer |
2017 Annual South Carolina Society Meeting Beaufort
Friday at Bull Point Plantation, Seaboork , SC

Tom Burnett manning the registration table with Society Pres. Wayne Cousar, Frank Gibson checking in. |

Wayne Cousar and Chapter President Claude Dinkins. |

Edd Richburg, outgoing State Society Registrar giving class. Eleceted Society President for 2017-2018

Society Chaplain Lawrence Peebles lights a candle for Chapter Compatriot Tom Garrett at the Annual Memorial Service for those members the Society has lost over the past year.

Chapter Secretary Ivan Bennett is presented the Silver Medal of Appreciation by Society President Wayne Cousar in grateful recognition of outstanding service to the National Society of the CAR. |

Chapter Compatriot Carroll Crowther was presented the SAR's highest achievement award, the Patriot Medal, representing long, faithful and outstanding service at the state or chapter level. Past SC Society President Ted Morten stands at left. |

Compatriot Paul Griffin and wife Jackie listen to guest speaker Dr. Larry Rowland at the Bull Point Plantation Frogmore Stew gathering.

Some of the Bull Point attendees at the right, Anita Henson, Mary Ann Mikell, Jackie and Paul Griffin.

Our faithful and attentive bar tender Compatriot Joe Harden. |

Paul Griffin and wife Jackie with Anita Henson.

Tom Mikell and wife Mary Ann with Sam Chesnutt. |

Chaplain Bill Sammons and wife Kathey wave goodnight as they leave the island at sunset.

Chapter members gather for group photo. Standing and back row (L-R) Paul and Jackie Griffin, Tom Burnett, Mary Ann and Tom Mikell, Frank Gibson, Bill Sammons, Joe Riddle, Susan Bennett and Jody Henson. Front row sitting Ginny Burnett, Wayne Cousar, Carroll Crowther, Glady Cousar, Kathey Sammons, Nancy Crowther, Jeannie Riddle, Ivan Bennett and Anita Henson.

The South Carolina SAR Society Officers for 2017-2018. (L-R) Bob Krause, Upstate VP; Wayne Cousar, VP Chapter Renewal & Revitalization; Rick Corbitt, VP Chapter Formation & Development; Edd Richburg, Society President; Dan Woodruff, Secretary; Bailey Keeling, Registrar; Carroll Crowther, Joint-Chairman Patriot Graves; Nat Kamininski, Recording Secretary. Photo by Thomas C. Hanson.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2017

Chaplain Bill Sammons gives Invocation |

President Claude Dinkins turns the floor over to State Society President Wayne Cousar to discuss SC Society Annual meeting. |

Vice President Frank Gibson addresses the fine chapter gathering for lunch and meeting. |

Chapter Compatriot Joel Holden makes a terrific presentation to our 47 attendees on the history of Dataw Island. |

Chapter President Claude Dinkins with new compatriots Tim Key and Mike Monahan after installation with Vice President Frank Gibson and Secretary Ivan Bennett. |

President Claude Dinkins presents Compatriot Tom case with his VeteransCorps certificate in honor of his Vietnam Service |

Tom with his certificate |

Historian Tom Burnett with This Moment in History |
See Members Photo Shows Gallery For
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Fourth Quarterly Meeting 2016
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2016

Guest speaker Dan Battle gave a very detailed presentation on The Battle of Port Royal Island, Feb 3, 1779 including some details on the location of the actual battle site being acquired by the SC Battleground Preservation Trust. |

Chapter Compatriot Ivan Bennett discussed the General Society of the Sons of the Revolution with our attendees. Founded in 1876 by members of the Society of Cincinnati wishing to broaden participation in preserving the American Heritage on the eve of this country's centennial, thirteen years before the founding of the SAR. Ivan assumed the State Society's role of President as of Oct 1, 2016. |

Compatriot Maj. John Simpson, USMC Ret., was presented his SAR VeteransCorps Certificate in honor of his military service from President Claude Dinkins. |

Secretary Tom Wilson pins SAR rosette on new member Paul Griffin after President Claude Dinkins swore him in. |

Some of the thirty members and guests attending the quarterly meeting. |

Secretary Frank Gibson, at left, and President Claude Dinkins swear in new member Jeff Hewitt with his father, Capt. Dean Hewitt at right.

Frank Gibson, Past President Jody Henson, Claude Dinkins, Jeff and Capt. Dean Hewitt along with Past President Michael Keyserling participated in this special installation held at The Tavern at Royal Pines on September 23, 2016.

Compatriot Capt. Dean Hewitt places SAR Rosette on Jeff as he did son Tom last year. |
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2016

Early arrivals Jody Henson with wife Anita and her mother Priscilla catch up with guest speaker Robert de Treville and his good friends, Milt and Diana Rundquist.

Mr. and Mrs. Crowther and Cousar greet Gen. Jim Shufelt and wife Charlene.

Compatriot Thomas Logan fills in for Chaplain Sammons giving invocation.

Compatriot Frank Gibson enjoys lunch with de Treville family.

Attendees listening to Vice President Tom Mikell as he calls upon our guest speaker.

Guest speaker Maj. Robert E. de Treville, USA Ret. speaks to the attendees including many family members.

Secretary Tom Wilson requests approval of minutes from 1st Quarterly March meeting.

President Claude Dinkins recognizes Compatriot Bill Ten Eyck for his US Army Military Service as a 38 jump Sr. Parachutist with the 82 Airborne, by awarding him the SAR Veteran Corps Certificate.

State Society President Wayne Cousar gives the attendees the good news about Beaufort hosting the SC Society Annual Meeting on April 21 and 22, 2017. More details to follow.

Past Chapter President with Jeanne, Mrs. Charles Aimar, at meeting end.
225th Commemoration of George Washington's Southern Tour, Camden SC, May 25, 2016



State Society President Wayne Cousar with Society wreath.

Compatriot Carroll Crowther with Chapter's wreath.

Gladys Cousar and Nancy Crowther with Thomas Heyward, Jr DAR Chapter wreath.

Society President Wayne Cousar.

Society Sr. Vice President and Camden host Chapter President Bill Vartorella.

Presentation of Proclamation for days events commemoration.

Color Guard.

Commemoration of Battle of Camden site.
235th Commemoration of the Battle of Fort Watson
April 23, 2016

South Carolina Historical Marker at the site of the Siege of Fort Watson,
April 15 - 23, 1781

Chapter Compatriots SC Society President Wayne Cousar at left with
Jody Henson and respective State and Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter wreaths
prior to service.

Matthew Singleton Chapter President Frank Brown at the lectern after President
Wayne Cousar placed SC wreath.

Fort Watson history presentation by Compatriot Glenn Givens of the Matthew
Singleton Chapter, Sumter, SC.

2546 L-R State Treasurer Greg Ohanesian and President Wayne Cousar with SC Society
wreath, Doug Doster with Battle of Eutaw Springs Chapter wreath, DAR wreath and
representative, Francis Marion Association representative with wreath, Vice President of the
Matthew Singleton Chapter, Johnnie Raffield, with wreath, Jody Henson with Gov. Paul
Hamilton Chapter wreath.

All SAR attendees and wreath presenters attending the commemoration.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2016

We had 42 attendees for our first meeting of the year including 26 Chapter members. Guest Ivan Bennett of the HHI Dr. George Mosse Chapter discussed the Beaufort County Children of the Revolution Chapter to start the meeting off during lunch.

Guest speaker Compatriot Ted Carothers gives us serious thought on Battle of Kings Mountain.

Assisting Ted was his son Compatriot Lt. Col. John Carothers who discussed the importance of the deadly smooth bore muskets used by the sharpshooting Patriots in making this a decisive victory.

Vice President Tom Mikell presents the SAR Color Guard Medal to Frank Wood for his five years as the protector of our colors and making sure they were at all meetings and events during that time.

Compatriots Frank Gibson, center, and Tom Anderson were honored for their Military Service with SAR Veteran Corps Certificates by Vice President Tom Mikell at left.

Historian Dr. Tom Burnett gives us few moments in historical time at the conclusion of the meeting.
2016 Annual South Carolina Society Meeting, Columbia, SC

Compatriot Carroll Crowther receives SAR Award.

Chapter President Claude Dinkins receives Red Chapter Americanism Steamer along with four other Chapters. South Atlantic VP General Ed Rigel at far left and SC Society President Greg Greenawalt at far right.

Outgoing Senior Vice President of the South Carolina Society, Compatriot Wayne Cousar.

Wayne Cousar receives South Carolina Society President's neck ribbon from outgoing President Greg Greenawalt after official installation.

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter members and wives attended the Annual Meeting. L-R Claude Dinkins, Tom Wilson, Frank Gibson, Carroll and Nancy Crowther, Gladys and Wayne Cousar and Anita and Jody Henson. Present but not shown Michael Keyserling.

Chapter Compatriots in attendance in support of new State Society President Wayne Cousar.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2015

Historian Tom Burnett gives invocation at The Tavern in Royal Pines. |

Dean Moss, Ex. Director of the Spanish Moss Trail, makes presentation to
over thirty five members and guests.

Compatriot Joe Riddle receives Certificate of Appreciation from Pres. Michael
Keyserling after speaking on his Patriot Ancestor, Pvt. James McCracken of South
Compatriot John Youmans receives a Certificate of patriotism from
Pres. Michael Keyserling in honor of his Service as a US Naval Aviator.

Pres. Michael Keyserling honors Compatriot Paul Steele with his Certificate
of Patriotism for his Vietnam War Service.

Compatriot William Thomas Logan was presented his second Lamplighter Award
by the SAR for his continued support of the Center for Advancing America's

Secretary Claude Dinkins and President Michael Keyserling present Lady's Island
Country Club owner Jeff Fisher and Manager Patty Huckabee with the SAR Flag
Certificate for flying the United States flag for patriotic purposes while
meeting all protocol.

Compatriot Tom Hewitt is sworn in by President Michael Keyserling as his
father, Compatriot Dean Hewitt, places the SAR Rosette on his lapel.

City Councilman Phil Cromer reads Beaufort's Proclamation making the
week of Sep 14-18 Constitution Week. The reading program was sponsored by the
Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the DAR at the Henry Chambers Water Front Park.

Gov. Paul Hamilton Compatriots gather at the bust of Thomas Heyward, Jr.
for the DAR program. Tommy Logan, Jody Henson, Joe Riddle, Tom Wilson and
Dana Chaney. Compatriot Don Starkey took the photo and Compatriots Tom Burnett
and John Simpson arrived shortly thereafter.

Anita Henson, DAR Constitution Week Chairperson, reads the Preamble to the

Thomas Heyward, Jr. DAR Chapter members stand with City Councilman Phil
Cromer at the bust of Heyward in the waterfront park.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2015

Start of June 19th meeting at The Tavern at Royal Pines. |

Guest Speaker USC Beaufort Assistant Professor Brent Morris

Chapter Officers and wives . |

Chapter Compatriots and guests take in presentation.

Past State President Carroll Crowther pins new Compatriot Steve Melvin. |

Chapter Compatriot Wayne Cousar, new Society Sr. Vice President, has VP Tom Mikell present Chapter Americanism Points Streamer.
May 2015 Annual South Carolina Society Meeting, Columbia, SC

New South Carolina SAR Society Officers were sworn in at the May Annual Society Meeting held in Columbia. L-R: President Greg Greenawalt; Sr. Vice President Wayne Cousar; Secretary Dan Woodruff; Pee Dee Reg. VP Fred Oaks; Piedmont Reg. VP Norm Pigeon; Upstate Reg. VP Bob Krause; Midlands Reg. VP Doug Doster and Registrar Edd Richburg. |

Incoming President Greg Greenawalt, left, about to accept SC Society SAR Flag from outgoing President Dan Woodruff. Head of Society Color Guard Bob Krause stands with flag

New SC Society President Greenawalt stands proudly with Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Compatriot Wayne Cousar, our new SC Society Senior Vice President. |

Nancy and Compatriot Carroll Crowther with granddaughter Elizabeth Crowther, recipient of the 2015 SC Society Education Scholarship. Elizabeth, of Beaufort, will be attending Clemson University.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2015

Chapter VP Tom Mikell with Beaufort County Historical Society President Mary Lou Brewton |

Joint meeting of 130 attendees at The Tavern in Royal Pines included Chapter and Beaufort County Historical Society members.

Compatriot Tom Mikell gives an accounting of the First Battle of Port Royal Island, aka Battle of Grays Hill, fought on Feb 3, 1779. |

President Michael Keyserling presents Compatriot Thomas Logan (left) with the SAR Lamplighter Award for his signifant contributions to the SAR Center for Advancing America's Heritage.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Christmas Formal Meeting 2014

Compatriot John Youmans and wife Pat check in attendees |

President Michael Keyserling greets everyone

VP Tom Mikell with Speaker Richard D. Porcher, noted author concerning the Lowcountry Rice Kingdom |

Bill Sammons, VP Tom Mikell and Bill Elliott share lifetime Beaufort memories

Katherine and David Easlick with Anita Henson |

Tom Garrett, Ann and Joel Holden

Bill and Kathey Sammons. |

Jody and Anita Henson

Historian Dr. Tom Burnett and Treasurer Dr. Bill Sammons sworn in by State Society President Dan Woodruff |

Compatriots Wayne Cousar, Carroll Crowther, State President Dan Woodruff and Jack Jackson
Rembrandt Peale's Porthole Painting of Gen. George Washington
Beaufort Academy SAR Dedication Nov 11, 2014

4th Grade Teacher Susan DiFabio introduces Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter
members to Beaufort Academy faculty and students on Veterans Day, 2014. |

Olivia Dinkins, granddaughter of Compatriot Claude Dinkins, accepts portrait
of Gen. George Washington from the SAR and praises all veterans including Washington among our first. |

Beaufort Academy Headmaster Stephen Schools, at left, congratulates
Chapter Veterans (L-R) Jody Henson, Wayne Cousar, Claude Dinkins and Col. Charley Stockell following portrait unveiling. |

4th grade students Katherine Taylor, Alex Compton, Lucas Matte, with Charley Stockell, Kate Luckey and Brock Bekemeyer.

Wayne Cousar with 4th graders Alex Roberts, Alex Compton, Katherine Taylor,
Roman Evans, Ledare Pingree, Jody Henson, Charley Stockell, Jayden Gibson
. |

Preston Aivaz, Ansh Patel, Nigel Bell, Charley Stockell and Jody Henson.

Seniors, McKenzie Blake and Jack Olsson with the George Washington portrait. |

Beaufort Academy Learning Center.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2014

Chapter Compatriot Stewart DeWitt was the featured speaker, discussing the Battle of Trenton, December 25-26, 1776, and the role his patriot ancestor George Pepperell Frost played in the fight. |

A new meeting location, The Tavern at Lady's Island Country Club.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2014

Color Sergeant Frank Wood and wife Barbara greet new Compatriot John Youmans and wife Pat. |

Guest speaker Paul Steele discussed the life of his Patriot Ancestor, John Cooke. Here showing a photo of Cooke's grave marker. |

Nancy and Sam Chesnutt enjoy lunch with Kathey and Chaplain Dr. Bill Sammons. |

Dana Cheney, left, and wife Bonita at right, meet new applicant Joe Riddle and wife Jeannie, attending their first Chapter meeting. |

President Michael Keyserling places SAR Rosette on new Chapter Compatriot John Youmans.

Jody Henson fills in for Eagle Scout Chairman Henry Chambers in recognizing Eagle Scout applicant Brian Lentz for 2014.
April 2014 Annual South Carolina Society Meeting Columbia, SC

Past President Jody Henson delivered chapter donated snack and toiletry items to Volunteer Gayle Melgis of the USO in Columbia, SC. |

South Carolina Society Color Guardsmen Bob Krause and Doug Doster.

Compatriot Wayne Cousar receives the Silver Roger Sherman Medal along with Treasurer Greg Ohanesian and Historian JD Norris from Society President Carroll Crowther. |

With past Society President and Guest Speaker Vic Brandt and wife Anne, Gladys and Wayne Cousar, Carroll and Nancy Crowther, Anita and Jody Henson.

Memorial Service Candles lit for 20 Compatriots lost over the past year, including Chapter Members David Easterling and Reeve Sams. |

Gov. Paul Hamilton Americanism Poster submitted by Holy Trinity Classical Christian School student Caroline O'Neal took "State Honors". Our third State Champion in as many years.

Runnerup Poster with this years subject "The Swamp Fox". |

Cake celebrating the South Carolina Society's 125th Year.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting 2014

Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year, Jackson Canaday, presented Certificate of Recognition by Past President Jody Henson |

Compatriot Tom Wilson discusses his Patriot Ancestor James Pliney Wilson.

Lady's Island Middle School student Jake Giammatteo receives Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate from President Michael Keyserling. |

SAR award recipient Jake Giammatteo with father, Guy, and mother, Joan.

Allyson Harden with Marguerite and Compatriot Tom Garrett. |

Compatriots Tom Case, Frank Axmann and Joel Horry with Dana Cheney and Billy Syfrett in background.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Annual December Meeting 2013

SC Society President Carrol Crowther addresses members and quests. |

Korean War Veterans Col. Russ Rawls, Capt. Dean Hewitt and Sam Chesnutt were recognized with the SAR War Service Medal.

President Jody Henson presents Owen Hand SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal for leading Beaufort's Honor Flight for War Veterans.

Compatriot Bill Anderson receives SAR Lamplighter Award from President Jody Henson.

DAR member Anita Henson was presented the Martha Washington Medal by President Jody Henson for her support of the chapter.

SC Society President Carroll Crowther passes the chapter gavel on to new President Michael Keyserling after installation.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Third Quarterly Meeting 2013

Constitution Week guest speaker Wells Morrison, retired FBI. Great presentation on "UA Flt. 93 Crash Site, Shanksville, PA on 9-11". |

Capt. Dean Hewitt honored for 10 Years of service to the SAR by Sec Tom Mikell.

New member David Easlick has his SAR Rosette pinned by State Society President Carroll Crowther. |

New members David Easlick and Perry Gesell are sworn in by Secretary Tom Mikell.

State Society President Carroll Crowther speaking with Lowcountry Vice President Paul Grier in view. |

Compatriot and President of the Heritage Society of Beaufort, Wayne Cousar, discusses slate of Chapter Officers for 2014 and annual HSOB Fall Lowcountry Supper event in October.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Second Quarterly Meeting 2013

SAR Patriot Grave Marker for Maj. Gen. John Barnwell and wreath placed by Compatriot Bill Ten Eyck on June 9th., Parish Church of St. Helena. |

Attending Reenactors Charles Bridges, Jack and Toni Jackson, Dana and Bonita Cheney, and John Barnwell descendant Gilda Barnwell were guests of the chapter after the Barnwell memorial service.

Color Sergeant Frank Wood places the 2013 Americanism Streamer Award on the Chapter's SAR Flag. |

V. Pres. Michael Keyserling pins Col. Charley Stockell for 15 years service to the SAR. Col. Russ Rawls awaits his presentation for 35 year service pin and certificate.

Michael Keyserling places Rosette on new member Andrew Drexel as new member Tom Burnett watches. |

Compatriot J. Keels Smith was honored with a memorial service and had an SAR Member Marker placed on his grave marker. At left SC Society Midlands Regional VP Doug Doster, family friend Setsuko, Mrs. J. Keels "Betty" Smith and Jody Henson.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting Cotton Hall 2013

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter First Quarterly Meeting at Cotton Hall Plantation |

Guest Speaker VP Michael Keyserling, "Battle of the Combahee"

SC Independent Company members Ashley Chapman, Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site Park Manager and Alan Stello, The Powder Magazine Museum Director |

Chapter Members L-R David Heape, Jody Henson, Tom Anderson, Joe Harden, Dean Cullison, Sam Chesnutt, Carroll Crowther, Frank Gibson, Baxter McLendon, Don Starkey, Wayne Cousar, Michael Keyserling, Chester Cotter, Thomas Logan, Billy Syfrett, Claude Dinkins, Walter Lubkin and Bill Sammons.