The SAR awards the ROTC Medal which is approved by the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps and the Air Force, and endeavors to foster the principle of "citizen-soldier" exemplified by the Minutemen. Recipients are selected for a high degree of merit with respect to leadership, qualities, military bearing and general excellence by the Commanding Officer of the JROTC unit. The local Beaufort Chapter presents this award each year to top cadets of six area high schools in Beaufort, Colleton and Hampton counties.
The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter has named their award "The SAR Sergeant Esau Patterson, Jr. Bronze Medal" in memory of a previous chapter recipient of the award from Ridgeland, SC High School. A lowcountry native, US Army Sgt. Esau Patterson was killed in Iraq while serving in the line of duty on April 29, 2004.
The Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter annually awards the SAR ROTC Medal to six Low Country high schools in the Beaufort, Colleton and Hampton Counties including Battery Creek, Beaufort, Bluffton, Colleton, Wade Hampton, and Whale Branch. The JROTC organizations include Marine, Army, Air Force and Navy JROTC units. The award consists of the SAR ROTC Medal, a certificate and a stipend check for $100 in the name of the cadet.
2024 Awards
On May 22, 2024, Cadet Kellan Armstrong received the Sons of the American Revolution JROTC
Medal at Beaufort High School by Colonel Harold Mills, USAF (Ret), Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter Military Awards Chairman. The Beaufort Air Force JROTC unit is commanded by Lt Col Eric Thompson, USAF (Ret).
On May 10, 2024, the Sons of the American Revolution JROTC Medal was awarded to Cadet Elvis Robles of Bluffton High School by Colonel Miles Montgomery, USAF (Ret). Col Montgomery represented the Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter of Beaufort, SC. The Bluffton U.S. Army JROTC unit is commanded by Colonel Thomas F. Foster, US Army (Ret)
Cadet Ryan Henderson is presented the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) ROTC Medal May 16 by Col. Miles Montgomery, USAF (Ret) at Wade Hampton County High School. Col. Montgomery represented the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter. This U.S. Navy JROTC unit is commanded by Commander William Murtagh, USN (Ret).
2023 Awards
On May 12, Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills (Ret) presented Bluffton High School Cadet First Sergeant Wyatt Ring with the SAR JROTC Medal. |
On May 17, Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills (Ret) presented Beaufort High School Cadet Timothy Curry with the SAR JROTC Medal. |
2022 Awards
On April 29th, Chairmen of Military Awards Col. Harold Mills (USAF Ret), presented Army Cadet 1SG Bryan Velasquez, a Junior at Bluffton High School, with the Chapter's first "SGT Esau Patterson" SAR Bronze JRTOC Medal of the year. |
On May 11, Chairman Col. Harold Mills (USAF Ret), was to present Junior Air Force Cadet Airman First Class Ian Szczepek with the SAR Bronze JRTOC Medal. In his absence Col. Mills presented the award to Senior Cadet. Col. Kayla Hannah of Beaufort High School. |
Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills on May 12, presented Whale Branch High School Junior Marine Cadet Staff Sgt. Quaeshawn Fields with the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal. At left is Sr. Military Instructor Maj. Marvin Goodwin |
On May 17, Col. Harold Mills (USAF Ret) presented Junior Marine Cadet 1st Lt. Gatlin Rossi with the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal during Senior Awards Day at Battery Creek High School. |
Beaufort High School
Recipient: Air Force Cadet Ethan Bradley
Presentation Date: December 7, 2022
Photo Unavailable
2021 Awards
Compatriot Col. Harold Mills, US Air Force Retired presented Air Force Cadet Capt. Kayla Hanna of Beaufort HS with the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter's "Sgt. Esau Patterson" SAR Bronze JROTC Medal on June 2, 2021 |
Wade Hampton High School
CDR Bill Murtagh, Senior Naval Science Instructor of Hampton High School, presents the Gov Paul Hamilton SAR Chapter's "Esau Patterson, Jr." JROTC Bronze Medal to Cadet Lieutenant Jacob Riley on May 14, 2021. |
Bluffton High School
Recipient: Army Cadet Alexander Nazzaro
Presentation Date: May 2021
Photo Unavailable |
Estill High School
Recipient: Army Cadet Jayda L. Singleton
Presentation Date: May 2021
Photo Unavailable |
2020 Awards
Distribution arranged by Col. Steven C. Guy, US Army Retired.
Beaufort High School
Recipient: Air Force Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Molina
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
Whale Branch High School
Recipient: Marine Cadet First Lieutenant Emily Hatchett
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
Bluffton High School
Recipient: Army Cadet Ryan Bostanci
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
Estill High School
Recipient: Army Cadet Lisbeth Gonzales
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
Wade Hampton High School
Recipient: Navy Cadet Ensign Ryan Vincent
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
Colleton County High School
Recipient: Navy Cadet Keane Hickman
Presentation Date: May 2020
Photo Unavailable |
2019 Awards
Compatriot Col. (USA Ret) Steven Guy presented Army Cadet Mitchell Wallin of Bluffton HS with the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter's "Sgt. Esau Patterson" SAR Bronze JROTC Medal on
April 11, 2019 |
Lt.Col. Adrain Scott , Senior Army Instructor of Estill High School, presents the Gov Paul Hamilton Chapter Esau Patterson, Jr. JROTC Medal to Cadet Sikiara Z. Early on
May 28, 2019. |
Compatriot John Simpson, Maj USMC ret, presents the Gov Paul Hamilton Chapter Esau Patterson, Jr. JROTC Medal to Cadet Gunnery Sgt. Michael Gaertner of Battery Creek High School on
May 14, 2019.
Cmdr Bill Murtagh, Senior Naval Science Instructor of Hampton High School, presents the Gov Paul Hamilton Chapter Esau Patterson, Jr. JROTC Medal to Cadet 2nd Class Petty Officer Kontouri Alston on
May 15, 2019. |
Compatriot Dana Cheney presents the Sgt. Esau Patterson, Jr. JROTC SAR Medal for the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter to Colleton County High School Naval Cadet Thomas Varnadoe on April 30, 2019. |
2018 Awards
On April 26, 2018, Compatriot John Simpson presented Cadet Captain Siris Liptak of Bluffton HS with the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal. |
Compatriot Mike Monahan awarding the SAR Chapter's Bronze JROTC Medal to Cadet Dylan Glass of Beaufort High School. |
Compatriot Mike Monahan presenting Cadet Lt. Hezekiah Jackson of Whale Branch High School with the SAR Chapter's Bronze JROTC Medal. |
On May 4, 2018 Compatriot John Simpson awarded the SAR Chapter's Bronze JROTC Medal to Cadet Branden Grober of Battery Creek High School. |
On May 4, 2018 Compatriot John Simpson presented the SAR Good Citizenship Medal to Lt.Col. Ray Ganas (retired). He is retiring from his position at Battery Creek High School. |
Senior Naval Instructor CDR Bill Murtaugh presents the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal to Cadet LCdr. Gabriella Smith of Wade Hampton High School in May 2018. She was also under consideration for the SC Society's top JROTC Cadet at the time. |
2017 Awards
On April 26, 2017, Compatriot Mike Kelley presented Cadet Alyssa Angelino of Bluffton HS with the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal. |
2016 Awards
Jody Henson presents
Cadet GySgt Matthew Hurtt of Beaufort High School
the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal on May 13. |
Commander Bill Murtagh, Senior Naval Military Instructor
for Hampton County High School,
presents the Chapter's 2016 SAR Bronze JROTC Medal to
Naval Cadet LTCDR Bobby Holland
on May 1st. |
On April 27th, Miltary Awards Chairman Maj. John Simpson, USMC Ret.,
presents the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal to
Army Cadet Maj. Giselle Delgado of Bluffton High School. |
On April 20th, Compatriot Billy Syfrett presents
the SAR Bronze JROTC Medal to
Naval Cadet CPO 3 Colyn Wilson
of Colleton County High School in Walterboro. |
2015 Awards
Secretary Claude Dinkins presents
LPO PO2 Brisco Olsen of The Port Royal Sound Battalion, Sea Scouts,
with the SAR Good Citizenship Medal. |
Compatriot Billy Syfrett presented
Colleton County High School Cadet Chief Petty Officer Brandon McCubbins
with the 2015 SAR Bronze JROTC Medal on April 21st. |
Chapter Military Awards Chairman Lt Col Perry Gesell presents
the SAR Bonze JROTC Medal to
Cadet Colonel Zachary Wilson of the Beaufort High School Air Force Unit. |
Battery Creek Marine Cadet 1st Lt. Robert Bowles
received the SAR Bronze as the Units Top Senior
from Compatriot Lt. Col. Perry Gesell (USMC Ret).
Lt Bowles will be attending the Citadel in the fall with a Marine Corps Option. |
2014 Awards
Air Force Cadet 1st Lt Tucker Pettigrew of Beaufort High School
was presented the 2014 SAR Bronze JROTC Medal by Military Awards
Chairman Lt Col Perry Gesell. |
Marine Cadet Lt Col Bianca Zargora
receives 2014 SAR Bronze JROTC
Medal at Battery Creek High School
from Military Awards Chairman
Lt Col Perry Gesell. |
The newly formed Port Royal Sound Battallion
of the Naval Sea Cadet
program (Naval Hospital)
selected Seaman Recruit Casey Allen as their
top recruit for 2014.
He was awarded the SAR Good Citizenship Medal
by Past President Jody Henson. |
Wade Hampton High School Naval JROTC Unit selected
Cadet Seaman
Bobby Holland for the 2014 SAR Bronze JROTC Medal.
Military Awards
Chairman Lt Col Perry Gesell
made the presentation in Hampton
County. |
Naval Cadet CPO Noah Delooze of Colleton County H.S.
was presented the 2014 SAR Bronze JROTC Medal by Compatriot Billy Syfrett. |
Marine Cadet Corporal Dana Chapel of Whale Branch High School
receives JROTC Bronze Award from President Michael Keyserling. |
2013 Awards
Beaufort High School Air Force Cadet 1st Lt. Austin Mix
was presented the 2013 SAR JROTC Bronze Medal
by Compatriot Frank Gibson. |
Wade Hampton High School Naval Cadet Second Class Petty Officer Justin Parker
was presented the 2013 SAR JROTC Bronze Medal
by Vice President Micheal Keyserling. |
2013 JROTC Bronze Medal presentation to Battery Creek HS
Marine Cadet Lt. Col. Wendell Roberson
by Military Awards Chairman Claude Dinkins,
SMI Lt. Col. Ray Ganas at left. |
Naval Cadet PO 1st Class Dylan Davis
of Colleton County High School, Walterboro, SC,
receives the 2013 SAR Bronze Medal
from Pres. Jody Henson |
Compatriot Col. Chester Cotter presents
the 2013 JROTC Bronze Medal to
Army Cadet Major Shakota Johnson of Estill High School
with SMI Lt. Col. Carl Williams. |
Marine Cadet Capt. Jonathan Dominguez
of Whale Branch Early College HS
receives 2013 JROTC Bronze Medal
from Education Programs Chairman Wayne Cousar. |
2012 Awards
Naval Cadet PO 1st Cl Vanessa Singleton
Wade Hamton HS presented 2012 JROTC Bronze Medal
by Military Awards Chairman Claude Dinkins with Cdr. Bill Murtaugh. |
Marine Cadet 2nd Lt Dominique Dillon
of Whale Branch HS receives
2012 JROTC Bronze Medal from
Past President Wayne Cousar |
Naval Cadet Lt. Shane Lyons of Colleton County High School
receives 2012 JROTC Bronze Medal from Pres. Jody Henson. |
LCDR Charley Armentrout,
Colleton County HS Senior Military Instructor,
was honored with the SAR Good Citizen Medal
by Jody Henson upon his retirement this year. |
Estill HS Army Cadet MSG Clayton Davis
receives 2012 SAR JROTC Bronze Medal
from Vice President Michael Keyserling |
Marine Cadet GySgt Jonah Carter
of Battery Creek High School
presented 2012 JROTC Bronze Medal |
2011 Awards
Marine Cadet 1st Lt. Christian Rabon
2011 Battery Creek High School |
Naval Cadet Lt. Russell Dobson
2011 Wade Hampton High School |
Army Cadet MSG Germerica Beckett
Instructor MSG Michael Goodley
2011 Estill HS |
Navy Cadet Daquanda Magwood
2011 Colleton County HS |
2010 Awards
Navy Cadet Shane Lyons
2010 Colleton County HS |
Marine Cadet 2nd Lt. Anthony Grant
2010 Battery Creek HS |
2009 Awards
Marine Cadet GySgt Casey Holmes
2009 Battery Creek HS |
Cadet Cpl. Mariana Fernandez
2009 Hardeeville HS |
Navy Cadet PO 3 Daniel Rivers
2009 Colleton County HS |
Marine Cadet SSgt Ashley Roberts
2009 Ridgeland HS |
Navy Cadet Lt. Nathan Cannnon
2009 Hampton County HS |
Army Cadet 1st Lt. Aline Newton
and Col. G. E. Glass
2009 Estill HS |