Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America
The Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recognizes the BSA goal of training youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. Earning Eagle Scout status achieves the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. All new Eagles who earn the rank during the year will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter for presentation at the Court of Honor for the new Eagle.
Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship
Open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application. (The application year is the calendar year, 01 Jan. to 31 Dec.) The year that Eagle was awarded is not restricted. College plans do not need to be completed in order to receive the cash scholarship.
Three cash scholarship awards are given: As the National First Place winner - $10,000.00; Runner-up - $6,000.00; 2nd runner-up - $4,000.00. You may apply more than one year if you meet the age requirements but no more than $10,000.00 total may be granted to any one Eagle Scout.
Entrants need to complete only one application -- the one for the chapter competition. If it is a winner it is then used for the state competition, and if it is a winner again it is used for the national competition.
The Eagle Scout Medal, set to the right, will be presented to the winner of the Eagle Scout Scholarship Program at the local Chapter level. The Eagle Scout patch, shown below, is available to each Eagle Scout who completes the requirements listed in the Eagle Scout Scholarship Program.

The application consists of:
1. The two page application form
2. The Four Generation ancestor chart.
3. The 500 word Patriotic Theme.
Prizes and recognitions may also be awarded at the SAR Chapter and State levels.
Note: Applications are accepted during a calendar year for Scholarships to be awarded in the Spring of the following year. Your State Chairman can give you specific deadlines for receipt of applications at Chapter and/or State levels.
The competition is conducted in three phases, local (Chapter), State (Society), and National. The competition is usually entered through the Chapter level. In some cases, the competition may be entered at the State level. You may not enter at the National level.
Download Required Forms from: www.sar.org/Youth/Eagle_Scout
2022 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year
Robert "Beau" Cooper
Beaufort Troop 200
During the Chapter's Second Quarterly meeting of 2022, Robert "Beau" Cooper was presented the Chapter's Eagle Scout of the Year Medal by President Mike Monahan. Beau discussed his Eagle Project honoring two fellow students at Beaufort Academy with permanent memorial garden locations following their untimely deaths. A recent graduate of the academy, he will be attending Baylor University in Texas this coming fall.
2022 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout Program
On Saturday, April 16th, Col. Harold Mills, USAF Ret and Chairman of the Chapter's Eagle Scout Committee, participated in the Court of Honor for six new Eagle Scouts from Beaufort County. The event, held at John Paul II Catholic School, was attended by many parents, siblings and grandparents in recognition of these young men and their Scout Leader Michael Brock who had been with them from 2013 to 2021. Having been presented their Eagle Patches and scarves, each scout gave special pins to a parent in appreciation of their enduring support. Col. Mills followed with SAR Certificates of Recognition and the SAR Eagle Patch while notifying them of their option to compete for a local Chapter Scholarship and several National SAR Eagle Scout Scholarships of up to $10,000.00. Beaufort County's newest Eagle Scouts are Jacob Preston of Troop 101; Jack Brock; Beau Cooper; Gordon Ivey; Clay Powell and David Shaw, all of Troop 200.

Jacob Preston |

Jack Brock

Robert "Beau" Cooper |

Gordon Ivey

Clay Powell |

David Shaw
The 2018 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship Program
In April, 2018, Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman James Atkins was honored to be the guest speaker of Beaufort Boy Scout Troop 200 sponsored by Saint Peters Catholic Church. This particular evening marked an Honor Court for the Troop's newest Eagle Scouts, Collin Durham and Jackson Timothy Miller. Having personally achieved the rank of Eagle Scout as a young man, Atkins related to the attendees the importance of scouting to him and during his life as a successful businessman and military leader following receipt of that esteemed honor.
Photo: James Atkins, Lt. Col. USMCR Ret., after presenting a slide show on his early scouting days and eventually earning the coveted Eagle Scout designation himself, called up Jackson Timothy Miller, far left, and Collin Durham to receive the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout Certificate and Patch.
Photo: Following Beaufort Troop 200's Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony, new Eagle Scouts Jackson Timothy Miller and Collin Durham stand with fellow Eagle Scout Compatriot James Atkins of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter
2017 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year
Jacob Denton
Beaufort Troop 1712
Photo: 2017 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year Jacob Denton of Beaufort Scout Troop 1712, addresses the members and guests of the 1st Quarterly Meeting of the SAR on March 23, 2018, after receiving his award for Eagle Scout of the year for 2017.
The 2017 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship Program
Photo: On July 17th, Jacob Denton was brought before Boy Scout Troop 1712 for his Eagle Court of Honor. As an Eagle Scout, Denton represents Scouting's finest tradition of duty to God and country, duty to others, and duty to self. Jody Henson, Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman, congratulated everyone who helped put young Denton on the path to Eagle Scout prior to awarding him with the SAR Eagle Scout Certificate and Patch. He is the son of Jim and Melissa Denton of Lady's Island.
Photo: On June 26th Justin Wayne Massalon of Boy Scout Troop 1712 was honored during his Eagle Court of Honor on June 26th by Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman Jody Henson. With Justin are his mother Lori and father Doug.
Photo: New Eagle Scout Justin Massalon with his brother Brandon at left, previously honored as an Eagle Scout by the chapter several years ago. Standing with him are his mother Lori and the Reverend Monsignor Ronald Cellini of St Gregory the Great Catholic Church.
2016 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year
Thomas Clark Henderson
Beaufort Troop 1712
Photo: 2016 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year Thomas Clark Henderson (now a Citadel Cadet) of Beaufort Scout Troop 1712, addresses the members and guests of the 1st Quarterly Meeting of the SAR on March 23, 2018, after receiving his award for Eagle Scout of the year for 2016.
The 2016 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship Program
Photo: A Court of Honor for new Eagle Scout David Lentz of The Parish Church of Saint Helena Boy Scout Troop 1712 was held on March 7, 2016. Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman Jody Henson is seen presenting Lentz his SAR Certificate of Recognition and patch for having achieved this esteemed Scouting title. (Photo by Faye Dagley)
Photo: On February 26, Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman Jody Henson attended the Court of Honor for two new Eagle Scouts of The Parish Church of Saint Helena Troop 1712. After presenting SAR Eagle Scout Certificates and Patches, Henson is seen with Eagles Logan Hofmann (left) and Clark Henderson (right). (Photo by Faye Dagley)
2015 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year
Logan Alexander McFee
Beaufort Troop 251
Photo: Eagle Scout Scholarship Chairman Jody Henson presents Eagle Scout Logan McFee with the Gov. Paul Hamilton Eagle Scout of the Year Award for 2015 consisting of the SAR 's Eagle Scout Medal, corresponding Certificate and a $100.00 stipend. Logan is a student at USC Beaufort majoring in history and has future military ambitions to be an Army Ranger. (Photo by Shannon Earwood)
Photo: Attending Eagle Scout Logan McFee's presentation were (L-R) grandmother Joeanne McFee, uncle and City Councilman Mike McFee and parents Sam and Rob McFee. Attending, but not pictured, was Beaufort City Manager Bill Prokop. (Photo by Shannon Earwood)

Photo: Logan McFee with his completed and dedicated 2015 Eagle Scout Project near Beaufort City Hall and the Municipal Court Building on Boundary Street. (Photo by Sam McFee) |

Photo: McFee's long time idea was to eventually honor fallen police officers of Beaufort County. This came to fruition in August of 2015 in the form of this beautiful black marble monolith. (Photo by Sam McFee)
New 2015 Eagle Scouts from The Parish Church of St. Helena Troop 1712
Photo: L-R: Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling with new Eagle Scouts Sam Perry, Owen Stovall, Ben Hetherington and Grant Hetherington with Scoutmaster Mark Henderson. (Photo by Faye Dagley)
2104 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Eagle Scout of the Year
Brian Lentz of The Parish Church of Saint Helena Troop 1712
Photo: Eagle Scout Brian Lentz of The Parish Church of Saint Helena Boy Scout Troop 1712 was presented the Gov. Paul Hamilton Eagle Scout of the Year Medal by Jody Henson. Lentz, now attending The Citadel, was presented his award following the Honor Court for his brother David. (Photo by Faye Dagley)
Photo: The Chapter recognized Eagle Scout applicant Brian Lentz at the June 20, 2014 Quarterly meeting. He is pictured with mother, Ann, and father, Ray. Brian is a 2014 Graduate of Beaufort High School and will be attending the Citadel in the fall.
Jackson Canaday Selected for Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution 2013 Eagle Scout of the Year Award
The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution presented Jackson Canaday of Beaufort, SC with its Eagle Scout of the Year award at the March 21st quarterly meeting. Jackson has been in scouting for ten years including six as a Boy Scout, and is a member of Troop #1, Coastal Carolina #550 Boy Scouts of America. Currently, he is a senior at Battery Creek High School and Captain of the Marine JROTC Unit Rifle Team.
Jackson Canaday (L) receives the SAR Eagle Scout of the Year award from Jody Henson on behalf of Eagle Scout Chairman Henry Chambers of the Gov. Paul Hamilton SAR Chapter (Photo by Brian Canaday)
Peter McGee, Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout of the Year 201o, was selected for the State Eagle Scout Award in April 2011.

The South Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution presented its coveted Eagle Scout of the Year in South Carolina to Eagle Scout Peter Richardson McGee on Saturday, April 2, 2011 in ceremonies at the Annual State Meeting in Columbia . South Carolina Society President Ted R. Morton Jr. and Eagle Scout Scholarship Committee Chairman Robert R. Johnson made the presentation. McGee was nominated for the state competition by the Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter of the SAR in Beaufort.
Eagle Scout Peter Richardson McGee a registered member in Troop 213, sponsored by Okatee Baptist Church in Beaufort County . The troop is a member of the Coastal Council, Lowcountry District of the Boy Scouts of America. In addition to earning the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, McGee earned 23 Merit Badges, was inducted into the Order of the Arrow Scouting Brotherhood, attended the National Scout Jamboree, and served in leadership positions as Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Senior Patrol Leader, and Philmont Scout Ranch Trek Crew Leader. His Eagle Scout Project advanced the Low Country Institute's work, by constructing forty birdhouses for Smithsonian Society bluebird research on Spring Island , South Carolina . McGee has served his community by volunteer work with Angel Food, National Honor Society, and Family Promise.
McGee is senior at Savannah Christian Preparatory School (SCPS). He is a National Merit AP Scholar, was awarded an SCPS Academic Merit Scholarship for four years, and earned Headmaster's List by being in the top 10% of his class. McGee is the Student Body President, Captain of the Men's Cross Country Team and Captain of the Men's Soccer Team, member of the Beta Club, and member of the French National Honor Society at Savannah Christian. He is a member of Grace Coastal Church and is the son of David and Lynn McGee of Okatie , SC.
Recognizing Eagle Scout Peter McGee at June Chapter meeting: Will McGee (brother), Lynn McGee (mother), Peter McGee, and Andy Beall, SC Eagle Scout Program Chair.