Beaufort County Middle and Elementary Schools
The National Society SAR Americanism Committee is pleased to announce the National Americanism Poster Contest. The aim of this contest is to stimulate interest in American History in support of the established school curriculum.
This contest is directed at students in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades, depending on which year the American Revolution is taught in their educational system - including ecumenical and home schooled students. The contest is also open to members of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who are in the same grades but whose school system may not be participating in the contest. In the case where the local school system, or its equivalent, is participating, the scout must enter the contest through the school and not as a separate entry.
The theme for the Poster Contest rotates annually based upon whether the school year ends in an even or odd number. For academic years ending in even numbers, the theme shall be “Revolutionary War Events.” For academic years ending in odd numbers, the theme shall be “Revolutionary War Person or Persons.”
The 2025 Subject
Revolutionary War Person or Persons
How the posters are judged:
Posters will be judged on the following criteria:
- Does the poster express the annual theme?
- Does the poster show originality by the student?
- Does the poster show evidence of research?
- Does the poster show artistic merit and creativity?
- Does the poster accurately reflect the historical event?
- Is the poster neat and visually pleasing?
How the contest works:
- Each local school winner will compete at the Chapter level.
- Each Chapter winner will compete at the State level.
- Once the State Society has selected a winner, that poster will compete at the National level. Only one (1) entry from each State Society will be accepted.
The State Society winners will be displayed during the National Contest. The Americanism Committee will announce 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners during the Youth Awards Luncheon at the National Congress. The National winners will receive a Rosette Ribbon with the 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd place winners receiving a monetary award funded from the Americanism Trust Fund.
2023 Americanism Poster Contest
Leila Bissell is the SAR State Society’s 1st Place winner for the 2023 Poster Contest. She received a $300.00 check from SCSSAR. Leila's poster was based on her Compatriot: Daniel Bissell.
Pictured below: Sergeant Troy Krapf, Beaufort County SC Deputy Sheriff (Americanism Chairman); Major Justin Bissell, USMC Air Station - Beaufort, SC; Michael Henry Monahan, President, Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter, SCSSAR Lowcountry Regional VP, Vice-Commander, Color Guard-SCSSAR.

Photo by: Mrs. Bissell (mother of Lelia Bissell). |
2022 Americanism Poster Contest
"Battles of Cowpens and or Kings Mountain"
On May 18th, Beaufort's Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Education Chairman Troy Krapf and President Mike Monahan met with Coosa Elementary School 4th Grader Maeve Caroline Sanders to present her the Americanism Poster Contest Certificate of Appreciation. Miss Sanders was presented a check for $25.00 in honor of her poster on "The Battle of Cowpens" being selected the Chapter's top poster for the 2022 school year. Additionally her teacher, Mrs. Marjorie Isley, was presented an SAR Certificate of Appreciation for her encouragement of class participation.

PHOTO: L-R Marjorie Isley, President Mike Monahan, Maeve Carolina Sanders with Compatriot Troy Krapf holding poster. |

Battle of Cowpens. Jan 17, 1781, was the subject for the 2022 SC Society SAR Poster Contest |
2021 Americanism Poster Contest
No School Participation due to COVID
2020 Americanism Poster Contest
"Battle of Buffords Massacre or Waxhaw"
Chapter and SC Society 2020 First Place Winner,
Justina Dupree of Broad River Elementary School

Award Ceremony |

South Carolina Society - Sons of the American Revolution SC State Society wining Americanism Poster by Justina Dupree, 4th Grade student at Broad River Elementary School. |
Award Ceremony was held on May 8th 2020 via Zoom Video Conference.
( Top Left to Right) Chapter President Joe Riddle, Education Chairman Ivan Bennett, and Broad River Elementary Principal Constance Goodwine-Lewis.
(Bottom Left to Right) Poster Winner Justina Dupree , and Broad River Elementary Art Teacher and Teacher of the Year Holly Zusack.

Justina Dupree with her winning poster "The Battle of Waxhaws , May 29, 1780" as shown on ZOOM during the Award presentation. |
2019 Americanism Poster Contest
"Thomas Hayward"
Chapter and SC Society 2019 First Place Winner,
Brice Stepp of Holy Trinity Classical Christian School

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter President Frank Gibson, holding the Chapter and SC Societys 2019 First Place Winning Thomas Hayward poster created by Brice Stepp of Holy Trinity Classical Christian School. |

Chapter President Frank Gibson presents the $300 State Americanism Poster Award to Brice Stepp of nsp Holy Trinity Classical Christian School. |
Chapter President Frank Gibson with Holy Trinity Classical Christian School students with thier Americanism contest Thomas Hayward poster entries. (Left to Right) Kanryn Brown, winner Brice Stepp with her $300 State and $25 chapter SAR checks and Walker Patrick.

Chapter President Frank Gibson presents a check to Beaufort Academy Americanism poster winner Elsa Billing. |
Chapter President Frank Gibson and Beaufort Academy students with their Americanism contest Thomas Hayward poster entries. |

Chapter President Frank Gibson presents a check to Port Royal Elementary School Americanism poster winner Kate Kelly . |
2018 Americanism Poster Contest
"The Battle of Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781"
Chapter and SC Society 2018 First Place Winner,
Emma Wilson of Beaufort Academy

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Vice President Ivan Bennett, left, and Chapter President Frank Gibson, right, with Emma Wilson's SCSSAR winning poster "The Battle of Eutaw Springs". Emma will receive a $300 check for winning the Poster Contest at the SCSSAR State Annual Meeting. Photo credit: Thomas Hanson |

Chapter President Frank Gibson presents the $300.00 State Americanism Poster Award to Emma Wilson of Beaufort Academy. Joining her at school for the presentation is her mother |
Holy Trinity Classical Christian School poster winner Damion Sellers with his chapter SAR Certificate of Appreciation and check.
Photo Credit: Candace Brasseur. |

Past President Jody Henson with sixth graders and their Americanism posters from Holy Trinity Classical Christian School left to right, Damion Sellers, Rustan Baisch, Grace Brubeck, Anna Kate Jones and Teacher Mrs. Christy Mixson.
Photo Credit: Candace Brasseur. |
2017 Americanism Poster Contest
"Col. Isaac Hayne"
Chapter and SC Society 2017 First Place Winner,
Holy Trinity Classical Christian School

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter President Claude Dinkins, left, presents Holy Trinity Classical Christian School student Jubilee Mayo with a $300.00 check for having won the SC Society's Americanism Poster Contest for 2017, Education Co-Chair Jody Henson is at right. Jubilee is the third State Winner from her school. |

SC Society Americanism Contest Winning Poster by Miss Jubliee Mayo, very creative in reference to the subject this year. The poster will compete on a National level at the 127th SAR Congress in Knoxville, TN.
2016 Chapter Americanism Poster Contest Winners
"Battle of Sullivans Island"
2016 First Place: Holy Trinity Classical Christian School

State Society President Wayne Cousar at left with 2016 South Carolina Society Americanism Poster Contest Winner Mary Chumney of Holy Trinity Classical Christian School. Education Co-Chair Jody Henson at right with School Headmaster Rev. Chad Lawrence. |

L-R Sixth Grade teacher Christy Mixson, Jody Henson, State Winner Mary Chumney, Adelaide Warren,
Elizabeth Solomons, Emily Smith, Scarlett Elizabeth Mercier, Madison Rains Harper, Rachel Susan Cain and Mary Clanton Bozard.
2016 Second Place: Beaufort Academy

Poster Runner-up Claire Tumlin with her winning poster. |

L-R Cody Aiken, Clay Lohr, Andrew Gates, Brock Bettle, Vann Hefner, Whit Suber and Thomas Hines.

Jenna Raber and Whit Suber |

Olivia Dinkins, granddaughter of Pres. Claude Dinkins

Margaret Hiers and Tency Lynn |

Clay Lohr and Vann Hefner

Andrew Gates and Cody Aiken |

Brock Bettle

Claude, Jody and Wayne having fun! |

Ms Susan DiFabio's fabulous 4th Graders of Beaufort Academy
"Our 2016 Patriotic Posters"

First Place Honors went to Mary Elinor Chumney of Mrs. Christy Mixson's 6th Grade Class at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School. |

Second Place Honors goes to Claire Tumlin of Miss. Susan DeFabio's 4th Grade Class at Beaufort Academy.
2016 Americanism Poster Contest Presentation Holy Trinity Classical Christian School
February 18, 2016
Photos Coutesy of Candace Brasseur, Dir. of Communications HTCCS

Education Co-Chairs Wayne Cousar and Jody Henson meet with the 6th grade at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School to discuss the 2016 Americanism Poster Contest. |





Holy Trinity Classical Christian School 6th Grade Teacher Mrs. Christy Mixson.




2015 First Place: Beaufort Academy

President Michael Keyserling with the Chapter's 2015 SC SAR Society Americanism Poster Contest winner, 4th grade student Alex Compton of Beaufort Academy. Standing with her is mother Nancy and Chapter Education Chairman Wayne Cousar.

SC 2015 Americansim Winning Poster by Alex Comptonof Beaufort Academy 4th Grade. |

Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter President Michael Keyserling presents Beaufort Academy 4th Grade Teacher Susan Di Fabio with the SAR Silver Good Citizenship Medal for her continued strong support of the SAR Americanism Poster Contest and her energetic teaching of American History to her students, just one of the many subjects she teaches during the course of the calendar year. |

All eighteen members of the Beaufort Academy 4th Grade Class of Miss Susan Di Fabio participated in the 2015 Americanism Poster contest. Each was presented an SAR Certificate of Appreciation and Miss Alex Compton (holding poster photo) was presented the State Society Top Poster Winner's check for $300.00. Seen with teacher Susan DiFabio at back left are Education Co-Chair Jody Henson, President Michael Keyserling, Secretary Claude Dinkins, Education Chairman Wayne Cousar, Treasurer and Chaplain Bill Sammons and Vice President Tom Mikell. Students seated left to right: Kate Luckey, Katherine Taylor, Kendra Rogers, Sophia Martin, Brycen Ambrose, Alex Compton, Mary Grace Carter, and Ledare Pingree. Standing in the middle row left to right: Preston Aivaz, G Simmons, Alex Roberts, Lucas Matte, Roman Evans, Brock Bekemyer, Ansh Patel, Jack McDougall, Nigel Bell, and Jayden Gibson. Miss Compton was the school's second state winner in three years and the Chapter's fourth consecutive SC Society winner.
2014 First Place: Holy Trinity Classical Christian School

Education Programs Chairman Wayne Cousar with 2014 SC SAR Society
Americanism Poster Contest Winner Caroline O'Neal and parents
Keith and Mary Ellen with Past President Jody Henson. Caroline
received a $500.00 check from the State Society and is the Chapter's
Third Consecutive State Winner.

2014 SAR South Carolina Society Americanism Award Winning Poster created with the subject of "The Swamp Fox" in mind. This poster competed nationally with 49 other State Society poster representatives at the 2014 National Congress in Greenville, SC, finishing a very respectable 7th Nationally. Congratulations Caroline O'Neal. |

The 2014 participants from Holy Trinity Classical Christian School L-R:
Wayne Cousar, Headmaster Rev. Chad Lawrence, "Winner" Caroline
O'Neal, Panyue Strawn, Lydia Mahan, Sydney Lawrence, Bri Gurley,
Tatiana Forbes, Morgan Chumney, their Teacher Josiah Tobin and Jody
2014 Runner-up: Beaufort Academy

Posters were so good this year the Chapter selected a runner-up. Lily
Melville of Beaufort Academy was selected and presented a $25.00 check
and SAR Certificate of Appreciation by Education Program Chairman
Wayne Cousar.

Beaufort Academy 4th Graders share in Teacher Susan DiFabio's
receipt of an SAR Certificate of Appreciation from Wayne Cousar. She
continues to be one of the finest teachers of History we have run
across in the County. All fourteen students in her class participated
and each received certificates from the Chapter.
2013 Beaufort Academy

President Jody Henson and Education Programs Chairman Wayne Cousar with 2013 State Poster winner Riley Gates and her parents, Bryan and Tammy. |

Chapter and South Carolina Society SAR winning poster by Riley Gates of Susan DiFabio's Beaufort Academy 4th Grade Class shown with Chapter President Jody Henson and wife Anita at State Society Annual Meeting.

Jody Henson and Wayne Cousar present and thank 4th Grade Teacher Susan DiFabio with an SAR Certificate of Appreciation for her dedication to history, her students and participating contributions to the SAR.

President Jody Henson with Ansleigh Pingree, Emma Dillinger, Kevin Rogers, Taylor Parker, Alyssa Lewis (back), Emily Wilson (front), Riley Gates, Witt Compton, Anthony Gonzalez and Education Programs Chairman Wayne Cousar.
2013 Lady's Island Middle School

Students who participated in this years program:
Front row left to right: Ephraim Murray-Russell, Ashanti Robinson, Yasmine Mock, Madyson Kytovsky, Madison Gallion, Marshall Elliott, Logan Lawson, Elijah Sanders, Thomas Edwards, Quaashir Eckford, Carolyn Durrance, Megan Carson, Josiuha Coaxum. Back row left to right: President Jody Henson, NaTaisha Seabrook, JyYan Simmons, Isabelle Zilko, Fai-Lan Smalls, Jessica Redd, Samantha Brown, Karamel Briant, Gill Arant, Maria Bernabe, Analise Allen, and Art Teacher Mrs. Cadra Culley Rooney. Absent that day were Gabe Cairnes, Tahjay Grant and Jazmin Smalls, whose Class winning poster is displayed
2012 Lady's Island Middle School

Pres. Jody Henson, Lady's Island Middle School Principal Mona Lise Dickson, teacher Cadra Rooney, Chapter and State Poster Winner Isabella Gregory, Brian Gregory and Chapter Education Chairman Wayne Cousar. |

Award winning poster by Isabella Gregory, "The Battle of Guilford Courthouse" |

Bottom: William Ploss, Ethan McKenzie, William Sanders, Maegan Savoi, Kobe Suginaka Middle: Garrett Jepson, Brandon Cassidy, Hannah Goldman, Chase Guynup, Harrison Hines, Alyssa Patrick, MacKenzie Powell, Isabella Gregory Back: Pres. Jody Henson, Chapter Education Chairman Wayne Cousar, Teacher Cadra Rooney
(Not Pictured: An'Quan Hairston, Carolina O'Neal, Skye Peisa, Christopher Sanders)
2011 Lady's Island Middle School

Pres. Wayne Cousar with Chapter Winner Brycen Campbell. |

Pres. Wayne Cousar, Brycen Campbell, Vice Principal Clay Fowler, Britney Singleton, Macy Purdy, Sahranna Fawcett, Caleb Heath, Kristionna Hampton, Teacher Cadra
Rooney, Vice Pres. Jody Henson (student Joshua Desmore not present).